Students/Parents » Digital Citizenship And Online Safety

Digital Citizenship And Online Safety

Digital Citizenship refers to the responsible use of technology by anyone who uses computers, the internet, and digital devices to engage with society.
The internet is packed with potential pitfalls that could catch many children off-guard. More importantly, malicious internet users can quickly harm someone online, even if it's only through harsh words.
Which is why digital citizenship is such a crucial topic to teach today's children!
Prince George County Public Schools are committed to providing all students with the most appropriate technology based tools to enhance and support innovative educational experiences and to produce digitally literate citizens as active members of a 21st Century community.
In order to do so, students must have an understanding of the proper use of technology, understand the basics of online safety, follow guidelines set in the Division's Acceptable Use Policy, respect the work of others that is posted online, as well as act appropriately in the digital world by preventing bullying and identifying strategies to address it.
Each month, teachers will share a lesson on a different digital topic.  We encourage parents to follow-up at home with their own at home resource in the document below.
Teaching Guide-Digital Citizenship and Online Safety Plan