4th Grade » 4th Grade

4th Grade

The Fourth Grade teachers would like to send you a huge welcome! We know that this will be an exciting and rewarding year for all of us. Fourth Grade is challenging and builds on everything learned in the Third Grade in order to prepare students for the Fifth Grade. We encourage students to work to their fullest potential as we teach them to become more independent.
As in all schools in the state of Virginia, the Fourth Graders at Harrison Elementary will take a Reading, Math, and Virginia Studies Standard of Learning test.  In addition, they will be tested in Fifth Grade on the Standards taught in science. In order to prepare for these challenges the following programs and events are put into place!
  • Accelerated Reading goal for each 9 weeks. Students will earn incentives for their reading goals if they are met. 
  • Novel Based reading lessons
  • Before School Tutoring
  • Interactive note taking
  • Students have the opportunity to participate in SCA, choir, art club, school fundraisers and classroom projects
  • Hands-On Experiences including Project Based Learning (PBLs) 
These are only a few examples of the things that children will experience at Harrison in the Fourth Grade! We are excited about working with parents and students so that our school and community thrive!